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Branch of the TOZ Health Protection Society at the RES Jewish Community
Placard about dancing [1922]

Source: National Library (Głębocki K)

WiT Jubilee calendar: a reminder of the 15th anniversary of regaining independence 1934

Supportthe company "TAZ", which cares for your health.

Register as a member:
Office of "TAZ"

Sienkiewicza 68,

phone: 13-96

Shtitstdi gesze(l)shaft


velkhe zorgt far ayer gezunt

farshreybt zikh far mitglider

Byuro fun „TAZ“

Senkevitsh 68

telefon 13-96

transl. Beate Schutzman Krebs

2020-03-18 19:54:47 history
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl