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We are pleased to announce the release of an English translation of the first biography of the famous actress and singer, Chayele Grober, entitled "To The Great World." This book is a heartfelt confession of love for Bialystok and Milejczyce, vividly portraying Chayele`s early years until the pivotal events following the 1906 pogrom. The translation was donated to the Jewish Museum of Bialystok by its author Beate Schützmann-Krebs.
2024-06-15 13:55:06
We invite you to read an English translation of the memoirs of Leybel Hindes, who grew up in one of Bialystok`s poorest neighbourhoods, Piaski, at the turn of the 20th century.
2024-03-24 21:14:10
Memoirs of a Woman from Bialystok translated from Yiddish into English by Beate Schützmann-Krebs is available on our site.
2024-02-02 20:01:20
We have begun preparations for an exhibition project and event about the history of Bialystok`s Jews after the war, especially in the period 1944 - 1968. 
2023-12-21 06:33:52
Rabbi Mogilever returns to Bialystok
Symposium on Rabbi Mogilever
2023-11-13 06:02:16
This symbolic and temporary project was implemented by TOGETHER: descendants of Jews from Trzcianne and Poles for whom the memory of our common history is very important.
2023-11-08 05:56:50
2020-05-04 16:11:29


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pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl