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Musem POLIN about the Bialystok pogrom
Kategoria: POLIN

Anti-Jewish violence and social mythology. The 1906 Białystok pogrom" - a meeting in the Jewish ABC series

25 February (Monday), 6pm
free addmission

Stories of pogroms often evoke heated discussions; they either bring people together or divide them into various

groups. Questions are asked on the causes, blame and responsibility. In his book, Dr Artur Markowski poses yet another question: where did the narrative on Russians / Germans organizing pogroms originate? Debate with the participation of Prof. Małgorzata Domagalska (Łódź University) and Prof. Adam Czesław Dobroński (University of Białystok) will be chaired by Dr Michał Trębacz of POLIN Museum.

2019-03-04 15:33:25