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Memorial Book of Jews from Bielsk Podlaski – a meeting at the POLIN Museum

Memorial Book of Jews from Bielsk Podlaski – a meeting in the POLIN Reading Room series

Why does it make sense to translate the memorial books by Polish Jews?

We present the largest of Jewish Memorial Books published in Polish. Authors of Memorial Books wished to preserve
the images of Jewish life prior to WW2, and to tell the tale of the Holocaust.

POLIN, 26 November (Monday), 6PM, free admission

Jewish memorial books begun to be created outside Poland after the World War II. Their authors' desire was to present the full picture of life of the Polish Jews in each and every part of it as well as tell about the Holocaust. The memorial books researchers perceive them as extremely valuable and, unfortunatelly, unestimated source of a knowledge about Polish Jews and also hundreds of Polish towns and cities. 
This publication is an initial point to a discussion about the significance of the memorial books, the worth that translating them into Polish brings but also what obsticles could there be in the process. 

Meeting participants include: Prof. Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska (UMSC), Małgorzata Lipska (UW), Wojciech Konończuk (OSW). Chair: Dr Renata Piątkowska (Muzeum POLIN). The book is published by Muzeum Małej Ojczyzny Association in Studziwody.

2018-11-15 19:28:23