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Krynki - Jenta (Yenta Gornicki)
died 1930

My great-grandmother Yenta Gornicki was buried in Kyrnki in 1930. (See the first photo. My grandmother is on the left, and her older sister is on the right.) My connection to Krynki is through marriage, not descent.

My parents grew up in Sokoły. My father’s Słodki family was from Jabłonka, and his mother’s family (Piekarski) was from Tykocin. My father was born in Sokoły in 1916, but my mother was born in Indura, her mother (Gornicki) in Odelsk (both near Grodno), and her father (Bodanowski but originally Geller ;-) in Krewo. They moved from Indura to Sokoły in about 1925 because my grandfather, a cantor, got a better job there. My parents met in first or second grade in the Adam Mickiewicz public school in Sokoły. (My mother saved her 7th grade diploma.)

My grandmother’s older sister, Haya Elka Gornicki, married a Krinker named Monis Poczebucki and moved to Krynki. My great-grandmother Yenta Blendes Gornicki moved in with them after she was widowed in 1906, and she died there in 1930. A photo of her matzeva from the Krynki cemetery--with my grandmother (Pesha) on the left and Haya Elka on the right--is attached.

Monis Poczebucki was one of the 30 or so Krynki Jews who were massacred by the Germans on Passover Eve 1942. 

2022-08-25 19:32:17 history
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl