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Jakow Kaplan, Sima Miklawski
wedding 1927


Wedding1927 SimaMiklawska and Jacob Kaplan

Yisroel'ke andLeah Goldshteyn and Jakow Miklavski...HindeKaplan, Bialystok

Yakev Miklavski and his wife

HindeKaplan, Bialystok

We have the honor to invite you to the wedding of our children,

Simeand Yakev Moyshe, which will take place at Tuesday,

January18, 1927, in Bialystok, Biala 4

Thisis a card from

a picture (photo), which I wanted ...to have printed For our close friend(s)

in the distance

Thesame invitation in Hebrew, but this time with the time of the event,

10 o'clock in the evening


YakevMiklavski and wife,


Fromme Yakev and Sime---- ---dedicated for you!

Translated by Beate Schützmann-Krebs and her friend Alissia

2018-05-13 18:23:01
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oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl