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Julian Sztatler
born November 10 1914 in Bielsk Podlaski, died April 8 1964 in Warsaw

Julian Sztatler (born November 10 1914 in Bielsk Podlaski, died April 8 1964 w Warszawie) was a son of Leon and Anna  Sztatler. He studied in Lodz, where he finished secondary school and graduated from Państwowa Szkoła Włókiennicza, and worked in that city, in a textile factory, until the outbreak of World War II.

During that time - the 1930s - he made his artistic debut. After the war, he spent a short time in Cracow, where he sang at the YMCA jazz club. Then he returned to Lodz, where he was involved with Dom Żołnierza (Soldier's House) and "Syrena" theatre (1945/46). He performed with the same theatre some years later, in Warsaw, during the season of 1956/57. Since 1947, he performed in "Tabarin" cabaret and Teatr Satyryków (Satirical Theatre) in Lodz, and since 1949 in Warsaw. In theatre, he performed mainly in mixed performances (containing recitation, music and songs) as a singer.

In the 1950s he collaborated with the Polish Radio, being a frequent guest of its entertainment programs, especially "Podwieczorek przy mikrofonie" ("Afternoon tea at the microphone"). He recorded songs for the radio, and to publish on an album. He sppeared in the film "Sprawa do załatwienia" (1953), where he performed alongside Maria Koterbska. He toured abroad a few times, and performed on stages of, among others, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France (where he appeared in Polish clubs and made a few radio recordings) and Israel.

Since 1961, Julian Sztatler had his own show "Studio pod Gwiazdami" ("Studio under the stars") in "Pod Gwiazdami", a Warsaw café. It was an artistic continuation of his work in Lodz. He promoted there a French type of club entertainment that was not very popular in Poland: he performed lighthearted songs, playing the piano and talking with the audience (after his death, the show was led by Zbigniew Kurtycz). At the same time, he participated in "PAGART", a singing school which was run there.

[tł: mj]

Listen to Julian Sztatler's music.

2018-03-29 18:57:21
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
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