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Czyżew - tzitzit maker
Czyżew was known in the world for manufactured tzitzit. This craft occupied the whole family: Kanet,
Wengerka, Kotliarek, Zysman, Tombak, Slucki,Ostrorzanski, Bronsztejn, , Cegel. Jewish of Czyżewo,
who emigrated to America, or Palestine, they engaged in production tzitzit.
On the foto: Jechusze Kanet, who died in 1913 in Jerusalem and Mendl Kanet, who died in 1940 in Tel Avivie
and Yosef Kanet, who emigrated to America. (yizkor book) JK

2017-02-18 19:05:28
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl