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Łomża -The Great Synagogue
1880 - 1939

The first mention of the Jewish community dates from the late fifteenth century. The flourishing Jewish community falls on the nineteenth century. In 1880 he founded brick Great Synagogue in place of the wooden Synagogue.
This imposing building project Marconi stood on the corner of Senatorska and Giełczyńska near the Stary Rynek.
The Rabbis of Łomża: Beniamin Diskin, Eliahu Chaim Maisel, Lejba Abramowicz Rakowski, Elizer Symcha Rabinowicz,
Michael Tenenbaum, Jehuda Lejb Gordon, Aron Bakszta, Mojżesz Szakes.

2016-12-08 12:37:18
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl