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Workshop at Bagnówka Jewish Cemetery 11-12 August 2022
On behalf of the Bialystok Cemetery Restoration Project (BCRP) http://bialystokcemeteryrestoration.org/, we are pleased to invite anyone interested to participate in a workshop designed to train local volunteers from different age groups in best practices in restoration of Jewish cemeteries and to practice these skills under the guidance of experienced volunteers from the BCRP. In 2019, these practices received official support from the Office of the  Chief Rabbi of Poland. This year`s workshop will take place on August 11-12, 2022 at the Bagnówka Jewish Cemetery in Bialystok, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The workshop is supported by the Office of the Chief Rabbi of Poland and the City of Bialystok. All work materials and refreshments are provided by the BCRP. Volunteers are asked to bring with them provisions, waterproof gloves (recommended), hats, modest clothing and sturdy footwear. Most BCRP volunteers speak English, but we will have also a few volunteers fluent in both Polish and English.

Volunteers will learn how to properly and safely wash tombstones, repaint inscriptions, straighten or align small tombstones, and properly care for the vegetation in the cemetery. Volunteers will also learn about the history of the cemetery and the patterns of burials, as well as how to identify tombstones of men, women and children based on specific words or symbols on a gravestone. Information on these best practices can be read the 2019 Best Practices Report: Summercamp 2019 - Jewish Epitaphs. The restoration efforts at this cemetery were also recently recognized in the Catalogue of Best Practices for Jewish Cemetery Preservation by ESJF - https://www.jewishepitaphs.org/best-practices-summercamp-2019/

A brief history of the cemetery. Bagnowka cemetery and its restoration, along with numerous photos, can be found at: Bagnowka Cemetery - Jewish Epitaphs https://www.jewishepitaphs.org/bagnowka-cemetery/ and also various articles about Bagnowka on the website: www.jewishepitaphs.org. The BCRP has a website with an informational video about its activities www.bialystok cemeteryrestoration.org.

On Friday, August 12, 2022. at. 18:30 at the Sleńdzinski Gallery (Waryńskiego st. 24a) a Shabbat meeting and presentation of the cemetery will be held to thank this year`s volunteers and to share with the community the story of the cemetery`s restoration. This program is being coordinated by Dr. Tomasz Wisniewski, of the Bialystok Jewish Museum Association, and a Bialystok resident Amy Halpern Degen, Massachusetts, USA. This will be the first formal cemetery restoration workshop in Bialystok, so no doubt we will all be learning! However, the opportunity to bring together extremely dedicated groups for a common goal - to restore the dignity of this cemetery - is momentous!

2022-07-13 05:30:29