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The 74th Anniversary of the Prisoners Revolt in Treblinka Death Camp
Kategoria: Treblinka

Jewish Historical Institute of Emanuel Ringelblum invites to the 74th Anniversary of the Prisoners Revolt in Treblinka Death Camp which is a part of the 75th anniversary of Aktion Reinhardt and the Holocaust of Polish Jews by German Third Reich. 

On 2 August 1943, a revolt began in the Treblinka extermination camp. It was prepared by a secret group of prisoners, among them – several members of the military, who were familiar with handling firearms. They attacked the guards and set a container with fuel on fire. The main goal was to break the fence and escape into the forest. About 200 prisoners managed to escape, but majority of them were killed during the chase. About 70 people survived. After those events Germans decided to close the camp down. In November 1943 they dismantled all camp buildings and installations, the ground was ploughed and lupine was planted. From 23 July 1942 when the first transport of Jews from Warsaw ghetto came, untill November 1943 over 900,000 poeple died in that camp. 

The exhibition "When I hear stories from Treblinka, something strangles and chokes my heart" will be presented during the commemorative events. The exhibition gathers accounts of people who managed to escape the death camp. Their stories, collected by the Oneg Shabbat group in the Warsaw Ghetto, were kept in the Ringelblum Archive. Currently, the archive is being stored at the Jewish Historical Institute. It’s the most important collection of archives of the fate of Jews under German occupation in Poland.

2017-08-01 23:29:13