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THE PLACE, new opening 12 X, godz. 18
Kategoria: Miejsce
The inauguration of THE PLACE II.
The holiday of Sukkot is about to end, and at a tragic moment: there is a war in Israel. And yet, this holiday emphasizes cheerfulness and exposes joyful customs; it also has another name Zman Simchatejnu, or "Time of Our Joy"....
On October 12, we planned to open THE PLACE in a new location, close to the center, on the site of the former ghetto. We will no longer change this date.
We invite you to a special meeting with Ewa Wroczynska, long-time director of the Tykocin Museum. And with the Tykocin Amateur Theater, which will present on this occasion micro scenes under the rather mysterious title "Etrogs for Bialystok, or a story about the holiday of Sukkot in the former Tykocin...".
The theatrical scenes will be commented by Ewa and she will explain to us the meaning and significance of the holiday of Succoth.
October 12, 2023, 6 p.m. THE PLACE, Malmeda 6.

2023-10-09 17:44:54