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Screening of the "All saints oasis" documentary and meeting with the director

The meeting with the director and screening of the "Oaza wszystkich świętych" documentary ("All saints' oasis")
17 October 2017 (Tuesday), 6pm
Guest: Roman Dobrzyński
Free admission

The meeting will be focused on the heroic activities of Rev. Marceli Godlewski, rector of All Saints church in Warsaw. His parish from 1940 to 1943 was on the territory of the Warsaw ghetto. Rev. Godlewski, risking his life, was helping Jews behind the ghetto’s walls. In the “All Saints’ Oasis” documentary his merits are recalled by Ludwik Krzysztof Zaleski-Zamenhof, a grandson of Ludwik Zamenhof and one of the people saved by Rev. Godlewski. The VHS cassette with the docmentary was in 2002 handed over to Yad Vashem Istitute in Jerusalem. Docementary’s director, Roman Dobrzyński, will talk about the production of the film and about the process of posthumously granting Rev. Godlewski the title of the Righteous Among the Nations.

2017-10-16 19:21:31