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Rosa Niewiadowska Nevadowska Nevadovska
Kategoria: Białystok
Exceptional poet writing in Jewish language, born in Białystok. (Tomek W)

More at https://exchanges.uiowa.edu/blog/on-the-trail-of-a-vanished-poet/

he Shop

So Leah returned from the sweatshop,
So Leah rode homeward, rode home.
The pines broke into a prayerful sway,
And her heart uttered a bitter moan.

The days were on the cusp of spring
With pure mornings, frozen dew.
How the girl yearned, longed without end
For forest and field, the sky’s blue. 

Then Leah traveled again to the shop,
To sew clothes—to sew up the days.
The subway still pounded inside her head,
While her longing beat out its own way.

So Leah went into the dimly lit shop,
Cheeks stained, and lips painted, red.
Her own youthful blush she had already stitched
Into clothing for strangers.
(Lider Mayne, p. 245) 

Translated by Merle Bachman

2022-06-07 05:27:19