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Poemat o Klarze

This poem is written in "YIVO" standard Yiddish, in rhymes.

It's about a beautiful dentist, Klara, in whom all men are in love, both Jews and Christians.
Feyvl, a young man, falls deeply in love with her. But how should he approach her? He has really healthy teeth! He decides, to visit her and tell her the truth. But being there, he suddenly doesn’t have the courage anymore…

Well, he then fibs, that a tooth is hurting. Klara pulls the tooth out!

Feyvl's love for her takes away the terrible pains ...

He, finally, do know, that he has to make sacrifices for his love!

So he goes to Klara week by week. And in the end, there is only one tooth left in the mouth.

After the last tooth is pulled out, Feyvl does not know what to do.

Finally he overcomes his timidity.
He falls on his knees before Klara and confesses his love.
But she sadly answers: I also was in love with you; you were such an attractive man!
But, how can I love a man without teeth?

(Deklamatsye) Bialystok (Lider)


Tseyn un Libe

Di sheyne Klara hot nisht lang

Geendikt far dentistin,

Ir sheynkayt tsit, zi vert gelibt

Fun yidn un fun kristn.


Oykh Feyvl iz farlibt in ir

Azoy vi yeder eyner,

Nor aftselokhes hot er gor

Gezunte, feste tseyner


Er veys nisht vos a tsonshmerts iz,

Er trogt zayn vey dem shvern

In hartsn tif…un kumt tsu ir

Un libe zikh derklern


Er kumt arayn, zi fregt: A tson?...

Tsemisht, dershrokn shveygt er;

Er plyontert epes mit der tsung-

Un oyf a bak-tson tsaygt er.


Zi reyst a bak-tson im aroys-

Oy, shreklikhe yesurem!

Dokh vert sayn tifer shmerts fervigt

Fun vildn libes shturem

A vokh fargeyt fun benkenish

Iz Feyvl shier geshtorbn.

Nu, brengt er itst dem libesgot

An ander tson- a korbn…


Un Klara vider reyst a tson

Un hot gor keyn rakhmones

Dokh Feyvl veys, az der vos libt,

muz brengen fil korbones.


Zint demols hot er yede vokh

Gebrakht a korbn gern;

Di frishe lekher in zayn moyl

Alts mern zikh un mern.


Biz eynmol, Feyvl git a kuk

In shpigl un s’vert klar im

Bay Klaran zenen zayne tseyn

Bay im in moyl-bloyz kvorim.


Un ot iz shoyn der letster tog

Fun letste tson- gekumen

Er breyngt im tsu zayn Klara nun-

Er vert aroysgenumen.


Keyn tson in moyl, dokh art im nisht

Er darf den vemen beysn?

Nor vi vet er tsu Klaran geyn

Vos vet zi itster reysn?


Er zukht an eytse zukht a plan

Un kneytsht fartrakht dem shtern,

biz endlikh makht er op bay zikh

kh’vel ofn ir derklern-


Az kh’lib zi mit mayn gantsn harts

Un zol zi take visn.

Gehat hob ikh gezunte tseyn

Un zi hot zey gerisn.


Er shteyt far Klaran oyf di kni

Zayn shmerts iz ungehoyer;

Dokh zi!- zi lozt arop dem kop

Un entfert im mit troyer:


Ikh amol,

ikh hob dikh oykh gelibt,

du binst geven a sheyner,

dokh itst?...vi ken ikh libn dikh

a yungn man on tseyner?


Translated by Beate Schützmann-Krebs

2018-09-17 15:45:42