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Piaskowa Piaskower synagoga Beth Midrasz


Names of the deceased from Chevrah Shulchan Aruch and Midrash from Pieskest? that the members of our association committed themselves to mention on the second day of the holiday of Shavuot during the mentions of souls according to our regulations
Avraham son of Meir HaCohen
The groom Yehiel Michel son of David
Avraham Yitzchak son of Avigdor
Menachem Mendel son of Bezalel
Avraham Tzvi son of Nachman
Aharon Moshe son of Yakov Kapil
? Avraham
Ezer son of Sheraga
R Daniel son of Chaim
R` Zaval Arye son of Moshe Yosef
Our teacher R` David son of Shmuel Aharon died on 3 Sivan
Azriel Liber son of Rafael Zev died on Monday 16 Kislev in the year 5670
R` Shlomo son of Naftali Hertz HaCohen
R` Avraham Moshe son of Eliyahu
R` Natan son of Yitzchak
R` Yehudah Arye son of Yakov Zev
R` Yitzchak son of Nachum
R` Moshe Yakov son of Avraham
R` Tzvi son of Moshe
R` Moshe Baruch son of Shabtai
R` Yehusua son of Arye Gershon died on 9 Iyar
R` Yehudah Lenech son of Meir HaCohen the 9th day to the month of Nisan
R` Moshe Simcha son of R` David
R` Chain son of R` Yehudah died 4 Adar in the year 5674

translated by Sara Mages


Tak wyglądała w 1915 roku

Dzielnica Piaski. Ulica Sucha 

Czy w okresie okupacji niemieckiej była tu apteka??? WiT
2024-09-16 15:02:24 history
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