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Jewish cuisine workshops
We probably all know the challah bread you can find in every baker's in Białystok.
Did you know that poppy and sesame seeds spread on top of it symbolize the manna form heaven?
Did you know that three rolled braided pieces symbolize truth, peace and justice?
Challah can be also braided from seven pieces which symbolize the seventh day of the week - Shabbat

This Friday, March 23rd at  
Atuty Studio Kulinarne (Piotrkowska 2A Street) we will show you all different faces od Jewish cuisine and will cook few dishes together. We'll tell you about Shabbat and will share the challah. We will aslo talk about what the kosher food is all about and about Jewish holidays. 

The workshop will be led by one and only  Dariusz Szada-Borzyszkowski ! Theatre and TV director. The author of some TV series and documentaries on the subject of Jewish culture. He is the author and co-host of a programmes called "Eat to be healthy" and the workshops at the Friends of Jewish Culture Association. 

Another co-host of workshop will be Agata Ignatowicz - a chairman to the 
the Friends of Jewish Culture Association - and Kamil Mrozowicz - a culture animator, member of Jan Karski Association. Since 2017, he has been a part of the Leaders for Dialogue programme that is involved in Polish-Jewish dialouge, education on Jewish history and culture and fighting with the anti-Semitism. 

Together we will prepare

- bialys,
- hummus,
- Jewish caviar,
- cymes,
- baba ghanoush.

All this acompanied by the Jewish humor (so called shmontses) and a glass of wine

2018-03-21 17:30:36