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Jewish artists in Białymstok

Bialystok does not belong to the oldest of Polish cities. Its biggest growth falls in 18th century when the whole wide range of artists of various specialties from different European countries came to Bialystok at hetman Jan Klemes Branicki’s invitation: painters, sculptors, woodcarvers, gardeners, goldsmiths and others. At that time Bialystok must have been clean and very much tidied as many of memoirists and European travelers did notice that big advantage and the city was called to be one of the most beautiful cities of Poland.


The next century falls to be the peak development of companies, producers and little factories though it wasn’t the best time for private small artists. Białystok wasn’t a city deprived of artists of various specialties as it might have seemed. It’s quite a big group of artists who were developing their talents in France, the USA, Israel and other places (always outside their home towns) but were born in Bialysok or Podlasie region. 

2017-03-16 20:17:47