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Happy Purim. Purim Sameach
We celebrate Purim to commemorate a miraculous saving of Jews from a total destruction.

It commemorates the Biblical history of Book of Esther. It probably took place in the middle of 50000 B.C. and was connected to the saving of Jews from Haman's hands whose aim was to destroy all Persia. Haman was to set the date of Jews annihilation and Queen Esther was the one who led her nation to freedom and punished the opressors.

"It can be said that Purim held a very important psychological meaning. All other Jewish holidays show specifil spiritual worth:  Rosh Hashanah - repentance, Succot - gratitude, Chaukah - religious freedom, Pesach - freedom, Shavuot - Torah. But only Purim lets us to celebrate in a joyful oblivion and celebration of a successful revange. It's a very sweet and human feeling. Revange, though, cannot be a source of our acting. There is a big diffference in simple having fun, masks, graggers and happy noise. We cannot and don't want to celebrate a revange. Purim, with its sybolism, helps us to deal with all the Hamans of our times. Yes, we need such a holiday."

(source: http://poznan.jewish.org.pl/index.php/PURIM.o/Purim...historia-i-tradycja.html)

Queen Esther byEdwin Long (1878 r.)

The custom of hamantaschen pastries baking for Purim has spread out all over Europe, first in Ashkenazi districst and later in many others. Why is it called Haman's ears? According to the legend, when they brought Haman to his execution "his back was croocked, head down and ears cut off". According to another legend Haman used to wear a triangular hat.

"For Purim a Jew has to drink as much wine so he won's be able to differentiate the words of "cursed Haman" from "blessed Mordochai".

2018-03-01 08:15:20