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Czyżew - Centos
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
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In the thirties, the financial situation of theJews in Czyżew deteriorated significantly. Feeding of Jewish children were engaged insociety care for children and orphans Centos. The committee consisted of: Chana'cze Gorzalczany, Rasz Edelsztejn-Bolender, Chmiel (the wife of a Jewish teacher), Dwojra'ke Raczkowski, Sheva Surowicz, Dwojra Raczkowski-Ber. All were killed during the war. Other members of the committee, who survived the war: Rachel Zusman (Cleveland), Batsheva Gorzalczany-Lubelczyk, Malka Malinowicz. Dr. Krau from Sokoły cared about health of children. There was organized also a kitchen for the Jewish population, which were given soup, meat and bread. The kitchen was located at Lejbisz Frydman, then moved to a building belonging to Moshe-Leib Igla.
(czyzewo yizkor book) JK
2017-02-16 20:44:15
2018-11-12 17:02:51