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Chess Club of Bialystok
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
udostępnij na FB
WiT Bialystoker Almanach 1932 - 1933
translated by Beate Schutzman Krebs


chess- club

Rinek- Kostsiushki

Rog Senkevitsha

isopen daily from 11am

for members and recommended guests

In the very comfortable club's saloons is (located)

– a chess- library and (with) newspapers--

a first class buffet

where fresh food is served daily,

cold and warm, both lunch and dinner,

to moderate prices.

With the phone number 2- 01

you also can order a taxi driver (??) day and night

to get around in allareas of the city

2018-10-04 08:29:21
Przesuń suwak