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Chaim Abraham Szuster Sruster
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
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Chaim syn Abrahama Szuster Sruster

Chaim son of Avraham Sruster?  (6, 1905) was killed

at the age of 67 and was a victim of the Shabbat Nahama  1905 massacre

and that he founded the Sruster? Beit Midrash in Bialystok



Here lies a perfect, upright and God-fearing man

who set aside time for the Torah, it is indeed the

honorable scholar our teacher the rabbi Chaim son of Avraham

who was killed on Shabbat Nahama  11 Av in the year 5665 (30 July


May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life

Transl by S. Mages

2018-09-08 11:08:48