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Buy that book or it will be shredded
Kategoria: Grynberg,

"Świat Książki" Publishing House has done nothing to promote the book, not even a simple ad of "Pamiętnik 2" book ("The Diary 2"). They didn't even try to have at least one review of it. I doubt they had sent some copies to the libraries as many other decent publishing houses do - I received the cash settlement according to which only 400 copies of the book have been sold! Therefore, if you don't buy a copy on time, it will soon be shredded and forgotten because it looks like the publishing house (which has actually taken money for it) doesn't care about existance of the book on the market. It's probably just quite the opposite. So buy it as a gift for your friends, especially for the LIBRARIES, before it will become a rare edition. 

Hag Pesach Sameach to everyone

Henryk Grynberg

2017-04-09 12:06:03