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About the pogrom of Jews in 1906 - promotion of the book by Artur Markowski

"Anti-Jewish violence and social mythology. The 1906 Białystok pogrom"  by dr hab. Artur Markowski

Stories of pogroms often evoke heated discussions; they either bring people together or divide them into various groups. Questions are asked on the causes, blame and responsibility. In his book, Dr Artur Markowski poses yet another question: where did the narrative on Russians / Germans organizing pogroms originate? 

Dabate will be lead by the author - an employee of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw as well as the Institute of History at Warsaw University. 

Meeting chaired by Aneta Prymaka-Oniszk – a writer and a journalist
The book available to purchase during the meeting

April 5th, 6pm / 18:00
Waryńskiego 24a, Bialystok

Free addmission
2019-04-05 08:53:47