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About the Jewish cemeteries in the Place
On 14 August 2023, a unique meeting was held to discuss the activities undertaken in the Podlaskie Voivodeship with regard to the restoration of Jewish cemeteries.

At a meeting organised jointly by the Friends of Jewish Cemeteries in Poland for FJCP and the Association of the Museum of Bialystok Jews, the status of work on the cemeteries in Trześcianka, Szczuczyn, Nowogród and the Bialystok cemetery on Wschodnia Street was presented.

Particularly noteworthy were the figures related to the long-standing Bialystok Cemetery Restoration Project. This year alone, more than 200 matzevot were lifted and restored, and since 2016, more than 2,000 tombstones have already been restored in this Bialystok cemetery.

The meeting was attended by more than 40 people from Poland and abroad.


2023-08-15 11:18:30