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80th anniversary of the Bialystok Ghetto Uprising

To mark the80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Bialystok Ghetto Uprising on 16 August2023. The Association of the Museum of Bialystok Jews has organised a series of unique events.


The marathon of events began with a speech by one of the members of the Association of the Museum of Bialystok Jews, Bartłomiej Samarski, who presented the results of his research of archival documents and showed various aspects of everyday life in the Bialystok Ghetto. Some of the materials were presented for the first time. 

The second part of the events in the Place was devoted to Szymon Datner - teacher, Esperantist, partisan and, after the war, historian. The lecture was given by Dr Helena Datner - Szymon Datner`s daughter and at the same time a well-known researcher dealing with the social history of Jews in the 19th century, thehistory of the Jewish community in Poland after World War II and sociological research on anti-Semitism.

Finally, Dr Tomek Butkiewicz talked about the new exhibition "The Last Breath", opened today, which we have jointly produced and are exhibiting at the Place. We invite you to take a look at it - especially the original exhibits from thetime of the ghetto uprising.


2023-08-17 07:09:42