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75th Anniversary of February events in Bialystok Ghetto

Jola Rogowska (fot. Tomek W)

The Bialystok Ghetto liquidation is mostly connected with 16 September 1943 and a brutal quenching of the uprising that took place within it. No doubt, it was the most bloody event that took place in the ghetto which took the biggest amount of lifes. Though the first actions in order to close the ghetto up had started half a year before. 

It is said that 6,300 Jews (first of all unemployed, poor and refugees from different cities) were taken to the death camps. 

On February 5th 1943 at 4am gestapo and Jewish police started to search around the ghetto for people selected to be taken out. The whole action lasted about a week. At the territory of ghetto there were around 1,000 poeple shot and 12,000 taken to the death camp in Treblinka. 

The programme of the commamoration events: 

5pm - klezmer music concert (Krzysztof Pilat, Mirosław Jaroszuk)

5.15pm  – reading  of "A tale about February Events" (Dariusz Szada-Borzyszkowski, Jacek Dojlidko)

5.30pm  – march towards the monument of Heros of the Ghetto Uprising by the Żabia Street. 

5.50pm  – reading of some parts from "David Szpiro's Diary" (Dariusz Szada–Borzyszkowski) as well as the names of vicitms of the February Events, cantles lightining

6pm - flowers placed at the Monument of the Bialystok Ghetto Uprising Heros by the mayor Tadeusz Truskolaski 
2018-02-06 21:00:05