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58th anniversary of Rafal Lemkins death
Rafal Lemkin died fifty-eight years ago in New York City. He was the outstanding Doctof of Law and a scholar of Jewish descent. He was the author of the 'genocide' term understood as a physical extermination of the ethnic, race and religious gropus through the massacres, femine, lack of medical assistance, evictions, as well as devastating the temples, language and culture, and even spreading moral decay through alcoholism and gambling. Thanks to him the term was introduced to  the international law. He was the initiator and co-author of  Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted on 9 Deceber 1948 by United Nations which obliged the UN members to protect endangered national, ethnic and religious groups. He was nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize twice. 

2017-08-29 06:26:54