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Szabad Arieh Nachman Katz
Sefer Sha'agat Aryeh, Chiddushim on Makot Tractate, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib son of Rabbi Baruch Bendit. Bialystok, [1805]. 
Ownership notations and various signatures. Signatures from 1806 of"Shabtai son of Rabbi Binyamin Bishka Katz of Orly¦". 
The Ga'on Rabbi Shabtai Katz (passed away in 1820, Otzar HaRabbanim 18071), Av Beit Din in Shanadva and afterwards in Orly (Poland). His Chiddushim were printed in the book Shevet Achim (Vilna, 1833) together with Chiddushim by his brother Rabbi Nachman Katz. 

2020-03-30 11:10:15 history
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
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