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Grave of Gutbrodt Ferszt
Bagnowka cemetery

Translated by Mitch Fine

1.       First on the right:

a.       A modest and important woman, who feared heaven and gave charity and a good heart. Yosefa the daughter of Yitchak, the wife of Meir Fersht. Died the 25 of Kislev 5685 (October 23, 1924).

2.       Middle matzeva:

a.       My eyes flow tears on the passing of my mother, the modest woman of young years who went to her world (in heaven) in the best of her years leaving four children.   Sima the daughter of Meir, the wife of Meir Gutbrodt. Died the 25th of Nisan 5665 (April 30th, 1905)

3.       On the left in front:        

a.       Sheva the daughter of Meir, the wife of Meir Gutbrodt. Died, 19 Shevat, 5689 (January 30th, 1929)

4.       On the left in back:

a.       A modest and important woman, Miriam the daughter of Shlomo Grunz?, the wife of Shmuel Yaakov.

2019-06-23 18:25:46
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl