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London Radjum Radium Tanenbaum Tenenbaum
Thimble Factory

1933, the year of the sale, is when my mother and her brother Hershel (from the Gilz factory picture) came to Canada. So it is possible that it seemed like a good idea to give up the factory at that point but really we don't know. The other, older, brother Beinush stayed on in Bialystok. 
I am attaching photo's of the original owner of the "factory", Chaim Tenenbaum and his wife Bluma. These are my grandparents and I will send a second identical photo of my grandfather Chaim Tenenbaum. The reason for the second identical photo is that it is the same studio, The Rembrandt studio on the rue de Tilleul but the second one is stamped 1904 is with the photographers name, Soloveitchik.  It is interesting that the photographer tried to make it as Parisian as possible. 

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2018-09-08 06:32:54
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pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl