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Salomon Weinzieher
born in 1869 in Białystok, died in 1943? in Będzin
Salomon Weinzieher was born in Białystok. He graduated from medical studies and settled in Będzin. He became the director of the hospital in Będzin and a member of the City Council. He was the president of the Jewish Community Board in Będzin. He became involved in social activism - he was the president of Towarzystwo Dobroczynności Wyznania Mojżeszowego in Będzin, a charity organization. In the years 1919-27 and 1938-39 he was a nonpartisan member of the Parliament. In 1925 he became the chairman of the city council of Będzin. During World War II he was imprisonedin the ghetto, where he probably died.
2018-05-13 19:23:39
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl