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Gotlib Jowel
Jowel Gotlib, Białystok
Office: Łąkowa 1, - Phone nr. 1 61
Apartment: Sobieskiego 2 - Tel. 1-97
Iron foundry and Machinery factory
Axles and cart sleeves. Castings of all kinds. Agricultural machines. Transmissions and all devices for mills, sawmills and tanneries. Machines for apertures (fullings, shavers etc.). Vices. Weights (kilogramme).
Depeche adress: Gotlib, Łąkowa.

Jowel Gotlib
Łąkowa 1, Phone nr. 1-61
Iron foundry and machinery factory and heater making for central heating.

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2017-01-20 06:51:12
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pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl