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Who we are

The association is a social organization actively working for creation in Bialystok the Museum of Jews - a place of commemoration of the history and culture as well as encouragement towards multicultural dialogue.


It was created in the December ofthe year 2018 as an Ordinary Association consisting of three members, however, over time, It became a Voluntary Association which nowadays has ten members.Among the members there are representatives of the scientific, business, socialand local government communities. All of them work non-profit for the mission of the association and do not receive remuneration for that work.


As a part of our previous activities, We were able to create one of the largest archives of films andphotographs related to the subject mentioned above. We have also managed to acquire more significant collections of museum exhibits.


Nevertheless, our mission does notend there as it involves creating a place that will become a living platform ofsocial dialogue of which aim is the cultivation of memory of the legacy of theJews of Bialystok and its surrounding regions. With that in mind, from thebeginning of our activity we have been seeking to obtain a city property forthe purpose of creation of a private socio-cultural institution, serving notonly as a place of memory, but also as a place to establish interculturalrelations for the development of society and future generations.


Contact details of the Association:

address: ul. Młynowa 38/70, 15-404 Białystok



KRS 0000836749

REGON 382226403

NIP 9662127052



More information about the Association is available in the tabs below. Welcome!

pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
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