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Przesuń suwak
Poniżej wyświetlono 100 najnowszych wpisów.
2016-11-26 12:38:07
2016-11-27 12:29:58
2016-11-29 12:22:06
Brzezinski Aron 1906-1941
2016-11-22 15:10:22
2016-11-29 22:45:18
Białostockie rodziny wspomina Elliott Süd
2016-11-24 09:44:59
2016-11-25 10:00:40
1897 - 1941
2016-11-27 06:00:22
2016-11-27 13:14:52
2016-11-27 13:23:57
2016-11-29 06:50:15
2016-11-29 12:28:26
2018-05-27 18:05:03
2016-11-29 22:15:14
2016-11-30 06:10:49
2016-12-01 06:12:47
2016-12-01 06:35:19
2016-12-01 08:00:35
2018-09-08 14:51:25
2016-12-01 14:55:21
2020-08-13 16:50:24
2016-12-01 20:15:36
2016-12-02 22:11:41
2018-09-08 14:52:10
2018-09-08 14:52:33
2018-09-08 15:07:41
2016-12-02 22:40:49
1911? - 1941
2018-09-08 15:06:51
2018-09-08 15:05:17
2018-09-08 15:04:38
2016-12-03 11:51:28
2016-12-03 12:01:56
2016-12-03 12:06:12
2016-12-03 12:10:48
2016-12-03 12:14:26
2016-12-03 12:16:44
2016-12-03 12:19:54
2016-12-03 12:22:55
2016-12-03 12:25:37
2016-12-03 14:04:58
Designer of the Great Synagogue in Białystok
2020-08-13 19:09:13
2016-12-04 05:23:32
2016-12-04 05:44:53
2016-12-04 06:10:38
2016-12-04 09:26:10
2016-12-04 10:56:33
2016-12-04 11:11:51
2016-12-04 11:37:19
2016-12-04 22:35:49
2016-12-05 02:52:39
2016-12-05 06:51:15
2016-12-05 19:50:01
2016-12-06 07:47:41
chairman of city council, doctor
2016-12-06 17:24:44
paint shop
2016-12-06 20:29:59
Counceller of City Council
2016-12-06 20:42:53
2016-12-07 05:51:35
councellor of the City Council
2016-12-07 06:03:51
2016-12-07 17:09:26
councellor of Bialystok City Council
2016-12-08 16:05:00
coopublisher of "Jewish Bialystok"
2016-12-08 17:37:09
2016-12-08 19:01:21
2016-12-09 04:01:37
councellor of the City Council
2016-12-09 07:02:30
2016-12-09 08:00:59
2016-12-09 08:14:29
2016-12-09 12:24:01
councellor of the City Council in Bialystok
2016-12-09 16:14:00
2016-12-09 18:33:09
2016-12-09 20:07:15
2016-12-10 14:39:49
2016-12-12 05:05:12
councellor of the City Council in Białystok
2016-12-12 10:30:37
2016-12-12 14:21:50
2016-12-12 17:34:30
2016-12-12 17:37:33
2016-12-12 17:38:47
2016-12-12 22:28:43
2016-12-12 23:03:15
city councilman in Białystok
2016-12-13 07:52:12
2016-12-13 07:51:14
2016-12-13 08:10:29
2016-12-13 08:25:31
city councilman in Białystok, 1927
2016-12-13 15:09:36
2016-12-13 18:09:55
2016-12-13 18:14:03
2016-12-13 20:46:25
2016-12-14 05:44:41
2016-12-14 05:48:55
city councilman in Białystok, confectioner
2016-12-14 16:37:03
2016-12-14 17:52:21
2016-12-15 04:42:24
2016-12-15 04:49:30
city councilman, Białystok
2016-12-15 19:14:46
2016-12-16 06:52:44
2019-02-23 16:50:54
story about Bialystok
2016-12-17 10:55:49
Brześć בּריסק ,ברסט ליטובסק Brest 1847-1921
2016-12-17 17:47:14
2016-12-18 19:04:41
2016-12-19 06:42:00
city councilman in Białystok
2016-12-19 19:00:05
2016-12-20 14:35:44
2016-12-20 16:59:19
2016-12-20 21:23:50
2016-12-21 05:07:02
2016-12-21 05:11:19
2016-12-21 05:17:41
1811 - 1899 poet historian
2016-12-21 08:17:38
1904 - 1987
2016-12-21 14:43:35
2016-12-21 18:07:13
2016-12-22 06:03:26
city councilman in Białystok
2016-12-22 18:47:10
2016-12-23 17:07:23
2016-12-24 05:12:46
2016-12-24 10:34:10
city councilman
2016-12-25 08:35:23
2016-12-25 12:20:47
2016-12-26 06:32:26
2016-12-26 06:38:26
2016-12-27 07:03:16
2016-12-27 07:07:55
2016-12-27 12:00:58
2016-12-28 07:27:58
2016-12-28 15:37:19
2016-12-29 02:02:54
2016-12-29 02:10:49
2016-12-29 02:27:28
member of the city council
2016-12-29 06:29:12
2016-12-30 05:43:26
2016-12-30 05:53:02
2016-12-30 06:03:10
2016-12-30 06:15:43
2016-12-30 06:25:02
1817 - 1899
2016-12-30 15:13:03
2016-12-30 19:32:28
watchmaker, mathematician
2016-12-31 08:00:30
2017-01-01 16:27:21
photographer, painter
2017-01-01 16:33:11
agricultural machinery
2017-01-01 20:21:47
2017-01-01 20:23:31
2017-01-02 11:13:27
councilman, director of a gymnasium
2017-01-03 07:15:39
2017-01-04 16:43:18
2017-01-04 17:33:11
1914 - 2011
2017-01-04 18:25:01
1917 - 2003
2017-01-04 20:39:50
2017-01-06 05:57:30
2017-01-06 06:03:01
2017-01-06 06:07:16
2017-01-06 06:09:16
2017-01-06 06:11:06
2017-01-06 06:13:45
2017-01-06 06:15:49
2017-01-06 06:19:12
2017-01-06 06:22:33
2017-01-06 06:24:38
2017-01-06 06:26:37
2017-01-06 06:28:38
2017-01-06 06:30:18
2017-01-06 06:36:37
2017-01-06 06:40:21
2017-01-06 06:44:00
2017-01-06 07:51:15
2017-01-06 11:21:18
2017-01-06 19:03:34
2017-01-07 02:48:08
2017-01-07 07:00:21
2017-01-08 02:08:28
2017-01-08 02:13:29
city councilman
2017-01-08 08:50:32
2017-01-08 10:42:48
2017-01-08 10:52:52
2017-01-09 07:42:51
writer, entrepreneur
2017-01-10 10:25:17
2017-01-10 10:31:58
2017-01-10 16:23:07
2017-01-11 16:25:12
2017-01-12 18:55:00
19th - 20th century
2017-01-12 19:13:13
2017-01-13 17:19:12
city councilman
2017-01-15 08:49:21
2017-01-15 11:36:01
2017-01-17 10:01:06
2017-01-17 10:30:22
2017-01-17 11:55:30
1921 - 1979?
2017-01-17 18:55:47
1904? - 1943
2017-01-18 17:25:55
2017-01-18 20:46:13
2017-01-20 05:06:05
2017-01-21 07:04:53
1889 - 1942
2017-01-21 21:19:54
2017-01-22 06:50:03
Member of Jewish Community
2017-01-22 08:29:22
paints, varnishes
2017-01-23 08:36:21
member of Bank Writ of Execution
2017-01-23 08:43:37
2017-01-24 17:44:20
2017-01-25 07:40:57
2017-01-25 19:59:19
2017-01-26 16:54:02
councillor of Bialystok
2017-01-26 19:00:53
2017-01-27 07:19:59
XIX - XX century
2017-01-27 08:50:41
2017-01-27 13:02:29
2017-01-28 07:15:08
2017-01-29 07:28:14
2017-01-30 08:07:55
vice treasurer of BTE
2017-01-30 18:20:39
2017-01-31 16:28:52
2017-02-01 19:13:10
2018-09-08 15:03:30
1827? - 1903
2017-02-02 17:24:07
2017-02-02 18:39:36
1876 – 1945
2017-02-02 19:26:47
2017-02-03 16:53:14
2017-02-04 14:24:42
2017-02-05 10:58:48
Owner of a Chemists/Pharmacy shop
2017-02-05 20:51:58
1843?- 1917
2017-02-06 08:18:47
2020-06-01 06:11:13
2017-02-07 18:21:10
2017-02-07 18:49:27
2017-02-07 19:28:48
2018-09-08 15:00:36
2018-09-08 14:59:52
A member of the BTE
2017-02-11 06:19:16
manufacturer in a textile business
2017-02-11 17:38:38
2017-02-13 16:56:46
Nails and wire factory
2017-02-13 18:55:45
2017-02-14 06:40:43
2017-02-15 19:35:01
2017-02-16 17:57:02
1921-1979 (?)
2017-02-16 20:20:34
2017-02-17 07:25:55
Trading house
2017-02-17 19:35:00
2017-02-17 20:25:40
2017-02-18 13:06:29
cantor of Bialystok
2017-02-18 14:27:53
kantor Chorshul
2017-02-19 07:01:31
2017-02-20 07:52:53
cantor of the Great Synagogue
2017-02-20 15:02:52
cantor of the Great Syngogue
2017-02-21 08:27:05
1906 - 2003
2018-09-08 15:02:52
2017-02-23 18:40:22
2017-02-23 20:16:55
2018-08-24 13:37:42
1905 – 1943
2017-02-23 20:26:43
2017-02-23 20:28:45
2017-02-25 08:46:59
Director, School
2017-02-26 08:44:36
2017-02-27 06:14:34
2017-02-27 07:50:51
1912 [1913?] - 1943
2017-02-27 18:42:50
2017-02-28 19:39:50
2017-02-28 20:17:07
2017-03-01 08:28:22
2017-03-01 18:33:39
1890 - 194?
2017-03-02 17:06:47
bike producer
2017-03-03 17:31:04
Karliner Rabbi
2017-03-04 09:15:37
Puzesh Beth Midrash
2017-03-04 14:45:27
2017-03-04 19:01:35
2017-03-04 19:05:51
2017-03-05 10:34:04
2017-03-06 07:03:31
secondary school principal
2017-03-06 07:14:09
sewage, water supply system
2017-03-06 20:22:24
2017-03-07 06:24:17
2017-03-07 07:41:59
2017-03-07 16:38:31
1906 - 1974
2017-03-08 07:51:39
2017-03-08 16:31:45
2017-03-09 06:15:23
textile master
2017-03-10 16:35:44
2017-03-12 16:26:55
father of Liba Grochowski
2017-03-13 08:16:55
2017-03-13 16:08:24
hair dresser
2017-03-14 07:30:36
2017-03-14 09:01:46
Dawid Katzman
2017-03-15 08:50:00
2017-03-16 20:17:47
2017-03-18 07:15:45
2017-03-19 09:34:34
Dereczynski Secondary School
2017-03-20 13:05:28
2017-03-20 19:40:15
2017-03-21 07:47:25
shames of Argentyna synagogue
2017-03-22 18:16:55
2017-03-24 06:32:30
leadro fo Jewish community
2017-03-24 15:33:32
The founder of Tora Chaim Beth Midrash
2017-03-25 08:21:58
1889 Warsaw - 1943 Białystok
2018-03-12 20:06:01
1907 – 1943
2018-09-08 14:55:37
2017-03-25 18:57:37
2017-03-25 19:00:32
2017-03-26 10:48:02
Dereczynski Secondary School
2017-03-26 22:00:54
the painter
2017-03-27 15:46:50
2017-03-29 18:48:39
2017-03-30 19:50:33
2017-04-01 09:17:22
The gravestone of the father of Icchok Szmuel Bez
2017-04-02 19:29:03
clothes shop
2017-04-04 14:18:49
mother Harry Graff
2017-04-04 15:19:49
1806 - 1910 (104 years!)
2017-04-05 19:54:34
mother Luis Rosenberg
2017-04-08 07:44:25
2017-04-08 19:49:28
2017-04-09 06:15:21
Rashe de Baker
2017-04-09 22:27:41
Louis Davis
2017-04-10 06:41:28
Sokolski, Aroner
2017-04-10 17:52:13
a student
2017-04-11 07:33:11
2017-04-11 16:25:42
mother of a famous writer I. Rapaport
2017-04-11 19:46:58
mother of a famous writer I. Rapaport
2018-09-08 14:58:19
2017-04-12 20:50:22
2018-09-08 14:54:14
2018-09-08 14:56:56
A student of the Dereczynski middle school
2017-04-14 11:24:59
A student of Dereczynski middle school
2017-04-14 11:24:59
wife of Rabbi Dawid Fajans
2017-04-14 18:32:51
socialist, philantropist
2017-04-16 07:23:00
2017-04-17 01:27:49
1871 - 1925
2017-04-18 07:28:52
wife of Oswald Trilling
2017-04-19 16:58:45
2017-04-20 16:16:32
2017-04-20 16:16:32
1920 - 2006
2017-04-21 11:52:19
2017-04-22 16:36:27
2017-04-23 14:30:47
2017-04-24 06:42:01
mother of William Abramson
2017-04-25 06:40:25
1887 - 1939
2017-04-25 07:39:25
mother: Rosa Lipman
2017-04-27 19:10:28
student of the Dereczynski Gymnasium
2017-04-29 07:58:20
student of Gimn Dereczyński
2017-05-04 21:14:34
2017-05-05 20:36:49
student of the Dereczynski Gymnasium
2017-05-07 06:14:56
Funeral Home
2017-05-09 07:11:59
student of the Dereczynski Gymnasium
2017-05-12 05:59:40
student of the Dereczyński gymnasium
2017-05-15 07:45:05
student of the Dereczynski gymnasium
2017-05-20 20:03:29
2017-05-27 08:57:02
? - 1921
2017-05-29 16:09:25
2017-05-30 07:45:06
2017-06-03 07:31:27
Bagnówka cemetery
2017-06-04 19:23:40
2017-06-05 08:43:38
2017-06-06 18:03:33
2017-06-08 05:44:40
investment advisor?
2017-06-10 08:11:00
2017-06-12 15:30:19
School Supplies Factory
2017-06-13 07:16:32
2017-06-14 18:14:48
2017-06-16 00:45:58
educational project on Holocaust 2008
2017-06-17 10:45:16
2017-06-20 15:23:09
2017-06-22 19:24:27
2017-06-23 12:57:14
2017-06-28 20:59:37
2017-07-03 07:37:37
2017-07-05 09:33:37
clothing store
2017-07-07 08:07:55
2017-07-07 20:21:31
cloth, tricots
2017-07-10 08:08:24
2017-07-11 09:58:23
2017-07-16 07:45:43
2017-07-16 19:04:13
2017-07-19 12:29:14
2017-07-20 06:03:41
2017-07-21 08:05:17
2017-07-23 18:03:43
2017-07-25 10:09:20
2017-07-26 10:32:30
2017-07-28 16:30:09
2017-07-30 08:45:20
Beit Hasefer School
2017-08-02 07:44:05
2017-08-02 21:45:49
2017-08-02 22:03:16
2017-08-03 07:09:29
2017-08-05 07:58:27
2017-08-05 18:21:22
2017-08-06 06:35:20
2017-08-06 17:26:47
2017-08-07 07:52:52
2017-08-09 08:08:33
2017-08-09 08:15:29
2017-08-09 08:20:41
2017-08-09 08:24:57
2017-08-10 05:35:06
2017-08-13 09:57:49
sklep z odzieżą dla kobiet i dzieci
2017-08-14 07:01:48
1890 - 1971
2017-08-14 13:16:47
2017-08-15 21:01:44
2017-08-27 17:17:01
1915 - 2012
2017-08-29 21:30:12
2017-09-08 09:02:34
2017-09-18 16:32:37
2017-12-03 21:38:10
2017-12-03 21:39:13
2017-10-01 20:40:18
2017-12-03 22:34:30
1873 - 1938; 1876 - 1939
2017-12-03 22:38:24
2017-12-03 22:45:45
2019-12-27 07:13:15
1831 - 1897
2017-12-03 22:54:49
19th - 20th century
2017-12-03 22:55:16
2017-12-03 22:57:08
2017-12-03 22:57:37
Wiktoria restaurant
2017-12-03 22:57:59
students and teachers
2017-12-03 22:58:37
2017-12-03 23:08:39
2017-12-03 22:59:51
2017-12-03 23:00:12
2017-12-03 23:00:34
The founder of Bialystoker Center in Melbourne
2017-12-03 23:07:47
2017-12-03 23:09:06
2017-12-03 23:09:48
2017-12-03 23:11:47
2018-01-02 13:27:30
2018-01-02 13:28:02
2018-01-02 13:32:42
zwiazek tkaczy
2018-01-02 13:33:13
2018-01-02 13:33:42
2018-01-02 13:34:18
political prisoners
2018-01-02 13:36:13
2018-01-02 13:38:55
2017-12-11 12:20:35
Poalej Zedek
2018-01-02 13:43:18
2018-01-02 13:43:40
orkiestra Gimnazjum Hebrajskiego
2018-01-02 13:44:06
The Bund (Jewish Labour Bund)
2018-01-02 13:44:44
passed away in 1950, New York
2018-01-02 13:50:39
Gilarino Theatre
2018-01-02 13:47:49
strike committee
2018-01-02 13:51:07
Gilarino theatre
2017-12-24 11:34:35
2018-01-02 13:51:24
Janowski Factory
2018-01-02 13:49:41
2018-01-02 13:51:52
2018-01-02 13:52:17
2018-01-02 15:10:03
2018-01-02 14:13:49
2017-12-27 05:41:43
Związek zawodowy Tkaczy
2018-01-02 13:28:59
Związek Robotników Przemysłu Skórzanego Textile Union
2018-01-06 19:23:29
2018-01-06 19:26:39
Trade Union of Leather Workers
2018-03-19 14:16:42
2018-03-19 14:21:59
Holocaust story
2018-01-11 17:46:32
born 1912 or 1914 w Warszawie, died 8 V 1943 in Warsaw
2018-01-12 14:39:05
born: February 3, 1909 in Równe, Wołyń; died August 17, 1987 in London
2018-03-19 14:36:33
Trade Union of Leather Workers
2018-03-19 14:35:52
1916 - 2007
2018-03-25 12:26:49
1898 - 1985
2018-01-17 05:50:48
born June 5,1908 in Grodno, died April 2, 1975 in Tel Aviv
2018-03-19 14:57:15
Związek Rzeźników 1905
2018-03-19 15:26:19
born July 21, 1866 in Shatsk, died 1932 in Vilnius
2018-03-19 15:27:57
2018-03-19 15:51:39
2018-03-19 15:57:57
born April 20, 1897 in Warsaw, died October 7, 1979 r. in Warsaw
2018-03-19 15:58:34
Smolarnia at Prowiantowa Street
2018-03-29 19:33:09
Zwiazek Tkaczy BUND 1905
2018-03-19 16:12:39
Związek Tkaczy BUND 1905
2018-03-29 18:56:15
Zwiazek Tkaczy 1905
2018-03-19 16:13:21
Związek Tkaczy BUND 1905
2018-03-19 16:14:00
Quilts and cloth factory
2018-03-19 16:14:35
ropes - store, factory
2018-03-22 21:20:39
leather shop
2018-08-24 12:26:39
confectionery store, bakery
2018-03-22 20:47:02
2018-03-22 20:49:06
16.02.1898 Białystok - 10.12.1978 Hajfa
2018-02-12 22:13:03
1905, Jewish Carpenters Union
2018-03-22 21:17:49
Leader of the Zionist Organization 1905
2018-03-22 21:19:10
born March 15 1865 in Derecin near Słonim, died in 1942
2018-03-22 21:22:36
Zionist Committee 1905
2018-03-25 12:09:35
09.06.1889 Smarhon - 23.08.1966 New York
2018-04-28 01:11:15
born in 1909 in Piątnica, died in 1945?
2018-03-25 12:14:39
Leader of the Zionist Organization
2018-03-25 12:24:03
2018-03-25 12:25:34
born in 1909 r. in Piątnica, died in 1945
2018-03-25 13:21:08
2018-03-25 13:24:06
2018-03-25 13:28:29
28.12.1898 Białystok - 28.06.1985 London
2018-02-17 01:51:22
2018-03-25 13:27:00
30 procent to Białostoccy Żydzi
2018-03-29 18:38:12
born November 10 1914 in Bielsk Podlaski, died April 8 1964 in Warsaw
2018-03-29 18:57:21
pianos, 1929
2018-08-24 13:54:22
2018-03-29 19:32:20
born May 26 1910 in Berlin, died August 8 1976 in Berlin
2018-03-29 19:51:37
2018-05-13 18:41:31
12.12.1896 Białystok - 14.06.1990 New York
2018-03-08 19:17:24
2018-05-13 18:44:52
leaders of the labour movement 1906
2018-05-13 18:46:01
2018-08-24 12:53:53
2018-05-13 18:47:45
anarchists - revolutionaries of 1905
2018-05-13 18:48:20
born 24.02.1889 in Warsaw, died in 1943 in Białystok
2018-05-13 19:20:06
1887 Radomsko – 1942 Treblinka
2018-08-24 13:35:20
2018-08-24 12:20:21
revolutionaries of 1905
2018-08-24 12:51:45
1899 tenement house
2018-09-08 14:47:05
2018-09-20 10:30:22
2018-09-20 10:26:12
chairman of ŻKS and medcal doctor
2018-10-04 08:20:27
Treasurer of ŻKS
2018-09-08 17:36:01
board member of ŻKS
2018-09-11 19:39:48
board member of ŻKS
2018-10-04 08:24:40
member of menagement board of ŻKS
2018-09-20 10:09:35
board member of ŻKS
2018-05-13 18:40:01
board member of ŻKS
2018-10-04 08:24:17
management member of ŻKS 1930
2018-09-20 10:29:00
member of management of ŻKS
2018-09-20 10:27:54
born 4.03.1910 Białystok, died 28.10.1996 New York
2018-03-19 21:45:02
2018-03-19 16:18:14
engagement announced
2018-09-20 10:24:42
2018-09-20 10:22:57
2018-03-20 08:41:08
2018-09-20 10:22:19
2018-09-20 10:21:41
2018-09-20 10:21:10
2018-09-20 10:20:40
2018-09-20 10:20:18
2018-09-20 10:19:49
2018-09-20 10:13:35
2018-09-20 10:19:22
2018-09-20 10:18:44
2018-09-20 10:18:06
2018-09-20 10:17:24
2018-09-20 09:39:23
2018-09-08 18:02:22
2018-09-20 09:33:21
2018-09-20 10:16:21
2019-03-07 16:57:25
2018-09-20 10:15:18
2018-09-20 10:14:43
2018-03-20 11:07:14
2018-09-20 10:14:08
2018-09-11 19:49:50
2018-09-20 10:13:09
2018-09-20 10:12:32
2018-09-20 10:07:36
25.06.1906 w Białymstoku - 15.07.1999 Tel Aviv
2018-05-17 08:58:59
2018-03-29 18:54:10
2018-05-13 19:21:25
2018-03-29 18:55:39
2018-03-29 18:47:07
laboratory services
2018-09-20 10:08:15
1928, donations for Red Cross Hospital
2018-09-08 17:37:23
chairman Linas Chojlim
2018-09-20 10:04:57
2018-09-20 09:52:38
1870 - 1935
2018-09-20 09:39:58
Drogowskazy 1936 (WiT)
2018-04-02 10:57:40
bagnowka matzevah
2018-09-11 19:46:24
2018-09-20 09:33:59
2018-09-20 09:13:01
school certificate
2018-09-20 09:08:31
unemployed weavers
2018-09-20 09:05:56
2018-04-11 11:00:02
wedding announcement
2018-09-20 08:59:30
electrical shop
2018-09-20 09:02:22
2018-09-20 08:58:05
2018-09-20 08:54:57
photographic studio
2018-09-20 08:48:21
2018-09-08 17:30:21
Chawa Kreitzer Korynski
2018-09-11 20:03:32
2018-09-11 20:00:06
1918 journalist
2018-09-11 19:58:05
1911 Opatów – 1941 Białystok
2018-08-24 13:55:45
2018-05-13 20:22:28
born in 1869 in Białystok, died in 1943? in Będzin
2018-05-13 19:23:39
sale of candy
2018-05-13 19:22:34
2018-05-13 18:23:01
2018-05-13 18:39:13
1927 05 29
2018-05-13 18:38:42
2018-05-13 18:38:10
2018-05-13 18:32:06
cloth factory
2018-05-13 18:24:30
maiden name Halberstein
2018-09-11 19:56:45
2018-09-11 19:55:01
fruit market , chocolate advertisement
2018-09-11 19:53:29
died in 1925
2018-09-11 19:14:23
died in 1925
2018-09-11 19:17:47
2018-09-08 17:10:53
Diamond lost and found in synagogue
2018-09-11 19:50:32
dental practice advertisement
2018-09-11 19:44:58
cloth wearhouse advertisement
2018-09-11 19:43:35
dental practice advertisement
2018-09-11 19:42:02
born in 1909
2018-09-11 19:38:36
Trip to Bialowieża 1930
2018-09-11 19:35:55
fur wearhouse sale
2018-09-11 19:34:20
obituary of pharmacy co-owner
2018-09-11 19:14:48
glass and fine china wearhouse
2018-09-11 19:29:42
Daughter of Rabbi G. Rozenman?
2018-09-11 19:27:11
2018-09-11 19:22:05
1865 - 1955
2018-09-08 18:06:52
2018-09-08 18:05:41
mirrors and other glass products
2018-09-08 18:03:15
D.J. Szapiro
2018-09-08 18:00:13
Barber Union
2018-09-08 17:55:40
2018-09-08 17:58:30
Soldiers got promoted
2018-09-08 17:31:46
Pollondon, plywood factory
2018-09-08 17:27:57
2018-09-08 17:23:58
spotrs attire and shoes
2018-09-08 17:20:41
2018-09-08 17:09:21
Shipping Firm „ Tranzyt”
2018-09-08 17:16:01
Daughter of Mejer and Maria
2018-09-08 17:13:42
2018-08-24 14:12:44
29. IX, 1936
2018-09-08 17:08:30
1921; doctor
2018-07-31 11:09:40
2018-07-31 11:09:09
2018-07-31 11:07:52
1897 - 1943
2018-07-31 11:07:23
kitchen utensils
2018-07-31 11:06:25
cold cuts, sliced meats
2018-07-31 11:04:42
2018-08-03 05:53:56
2018-08-03 05:52:26
Factory owner commits suicide
2018-09-08 17:06:18
Stolen hats from the hat store
2018-09-08 17:00:30
Turpentine Association
2018-09-08 16:57:47
2018-09-08 16:55:45
2018-08-24 14:11:57
2018-08-24 13:51:44
2018-08-22 17:58:12
2018-08-24 13:51:20
2018-08-24 13:50:21
2018-08-24 13:49:59
2018-08-24 13:49:36
2018-08-24 13:49:10
2018-08-24 13:48:27
Medical Doctor
2018-09-08 16:54:40
2018-09-08 16:53:49
Sell and buy meat products for producing sausages
2018-09-08 16:50:09
2018-09-04 11:33:32
2018-09-08 16:49:30
2018-09-08 16:48:40
2018-09-07 15:05:21
Happy Year
2018-09-14 08:52:07
tailor’s shop
2018-09-20 08:51:48
manufacture sale
2018-09-20 08:50:23
2018-09-28 17:56:07
2018-10-01 05:51:30
Corsets salon
2018-10-01 05:50:51
mayor of Indura
2018-10-20 05:48:48
2018-11-17 11:41:39
cork factory
2019-01-02 19:51:35
carriage driver
2019-01-02 19:48:29
2019-01-02 19:47:01
2019-01-02 19:46:25
2018-12-05 17:54:46
lekarz dentysta
2018-12-12 13:43:52
leather factory
2019-01-02 19:44:50
2019-01-02 19:43:48
2019-01-02 19:42:34
General Manager of Bank
2019-07-06 16:29:35
General Manager of Bank Pojen Poen
2019-01-02 19:40:31
Ghetto Monument
2019-07-19 09:17:44
lampy, zyrandolwe
2020-04-05 19:52:40
2019-02-10 08:24:12
mechanical workshop
2019-04-17 16:36:28
died in 1935
2020-04-02 14:28:09
painter, ehxibition
2020-03-13 11:42:17
2020-03-23 14:49:43
Shulman, Szulman,
2019-06-12 06:12:45
2020-04-02 14:24:18
2019-07-09 18:28:12
dance school, blues,
2020-03-18 16:07:38
Born ? in Odessa, died ?
2019-08-05 17:44:01
Ur. ? w Odessie, zm. ?
2019-08-03 08:46:54
2020-03-19 14:38:43
2020-03-18 16:01:51
2020-04-02 14:26:23
industrialist philantropist
2020-03-13 12:10:56
2020-03-23 14:55:27
a son of Eliahu
2020-03-23 14:48:05
journalist, writer
2020-03-23 14:44:11
2020-03-23 14:42:02
artist, painter
2020-03-20 18:09:31
2020-03-23 14:40:33
grocery store
2020-03-20 17:59:53
grocery store
2020-03-20 17:57:46
groats, flour, bran
2020-03-20 17:55:15
underwear and aprons workshop
2020-03-20 17:50:40
2020-03-19 14:31:38
2020-03-19 14:28:58
Bialystok Home for the Aged
2020-03-19 14:27:45
petroleum products
2020-03-18 16:13:39
Rabbi of Białystok
2020-03-18 16:11:05
2020-03-16 18:39:01
2020-03-16 14:17:06
2020-03-16 14:13:03
Towarzystwo Europa- insurance company
2020-03-16 14:00:42
2020-03-16 13:53:47
2020-01-18 07:55:33
2020-03-13 11:37:15
born 14.03.2011 in Białystok, died 14.04.1958 in the USA
2020-03-16 14:14:35
born 14.03.2011 in Białystok, died 14.04.1958 in the USA
2020-03-13 12:41:41
born 14.03.2011 in Białystok, died 14.04.1958 in the USA
2020-03-13 12:41:41
15.08.1904 Bialystok, 20.04.1969 Buenos Aires
2020-02-23 20:27:45
2020-04-02 14:22:00
paints chemical products
2020-04-02 14:17:57
seamstress, around 1930
2020-04-15 16:56:01
2021-04-02 16:27:49
? Witebsk - 1912 Białystok
2021-04-01 17:56:38
2021-03-30 17:38:16
ok. 1834 - ?
2021-04-02 16:12:46
15.04.1890 - 23.12.1983 Palm Springs, California, USA
2021-04-02 16:18:49
10.01.1885 Bielsk Podlaski - 22.10.1977 Palm Springs, California, USA
2021-04-02 16:25:20
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu