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Fundraising campaign

We are launching a fundraising campaign to support the Museum of Jews of Białystok.

We have to do it (watch video)

The funds will primarily cover the website maintenance costs: hosting and domain fees, data storage and transfer, usage of Google Maps service. They will also pay for the basic regular programmer’s support. If we manage to collect sufficient amount we will engage our programmers at a higher level allowing us to implement new features requested by our Patrons, visitors, and the editorial team.

Most importantly, we will increase the quality and the volume of the site content. We will ensure that English translations are up to date. We plan to achieve this by starting an internship program.

If we manage to collect sufficient amount we will be able to hire a full time curator. This will not only ensure high quality of site content, but will also allow us to double the volume of new entries.

We will also be able to fund a fellowship for Jewish history researchers. The topics will be chosen with consultations with our Patrons. The resulting papers will be published on our website both in Polish and English.

Additionally we will launch a YouTube channel with our own unique material. We already have lots of raw material and have plans for collecting more interviews and stories passed by those who still remember Jewish Bialystok. With the collected funds we will buy the necessary audio and video equipment and software.

Finally these efforts will move us closer to our ultimate goal of creating a real brick and mortar museum of the history of Bialystok Jews.

Statistics and details about the new content will be displayed on the Museum website and emailed in newsletters addressed exclusively to our Patrons.

Yourgenerouscontributionswillhelpusachieve these goals.

Youcanmakeadonationinone of the following ways:

1. Make a one time online donation using PayPal (you can use your PayPal account or a credit card):

2. Set up recurring monthly online donation using PayPal (you can use your PayPal account or a credit card):

3. Become a Patron on (recurring monthly donations):

4. Wire your donation via a bank transfer:

Our Bank Information:


IBAN code: PL


Bank address: Skrytka Pocztowa 2108, 90-959 LODZ 2, Poland

Account number USD: PL 15 1140 2004 0000 3512 0787 8962

Account number PLN: PL 72 1140 2004 0000 3902 7850 0758

Account holder’s name: Muzeum Żydów Białegostoku

Account holder’s address: Zaułek Podlaski 38, 15-546 Białystok, Poland

pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu