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David Ha‘reuweni

„Der yidisher firsht“ =The Jewish noble man

I Kagan

series: Jewish hi(story)

Groshen -library

price: 30 Groshen

Already published:

1.     Robert Smit: Mata Hari---dancer-spy

2.     A.Kelson: American millionaire

3.     M.Hartman: Between throne and love(Hapsburgsdynasty’s  tragedy)

4.     S.Hopkins: Genial syphilitics

5.     P.Vetsheli: Manolescu, the king ofthe thiefs

6.     G.Slonimski: G. Gapon,priest-provokateur

7.     M.Gregorius: Lukretia  Borgia

8.     I.Kagan: Graf Pototzky, the „Ger-Tsedek“(Graf Valentin Pototzki from Vilnius)

9.     Robert Smit: Alfred Redl, theAustrian „Azef“(= I think, it means, that he was like the Russian Jewno Azef))

10.  Prityof Larson: In the fog ofwhite death (Nobile‘s expedition t o Noth Pole)

11.  K.Moshkovitsh: Danton. The genius ofFrance.

12.  M.Hartman: Lady Hamilton

13.  B. Gviriali(?): Saul Wahl, theJewish king of Poland

14.  Sch.Bergman: Lew Trotzki, thetragedy of a revolutionary

15.  Ch. Freidberg:  The dreamer of Oceania (Kristof Kolumbus)

16.  I. Kagan: Estherke, the PolishEsther-queen

17.  M. Karolin: The emperor of arepublic (Julius Caesar)

18.  B. Serlin: The hetares on thethrone (Katharina the II.)

19.  P.Zilberman: Shabtai Zvi, thewrong messiah

20.  Alexander Sierow: Why did theykill Alexander the Second?

21.  St. Meizner: The magician of ourTime (Tomas Edison)

22.  G.Slonimski: The rebellion on thebattleship „Potiomkin“

23.  K.Moshkovitsh: The Prophet of Mekka(Mahmud)

24.  I. Kagan: Jacob Frank

25.  M. Hartman: From throne toscaffold (Maria Stuart)

26.  M.Kantor: Sergey Miassojedov (Frombetrayer to victim)

27.  Sh. Bergman: Yewno Azef- therevolutionary

28.  Sh.Bergman:Azef Raskin- theprovocateur

29.  M. Hartman: Manon Lescaut

30.  M. Karolin: Napoleon Bonaparte

31.  Al.Sierow: Ivan the Terrible

Each book with 64 pages costs

only 30 Groshn.

subscription-price: 13 books to 3.50. 6 books1.80.

2017-06-02 13:41:03
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl