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Dawidowicz Abraham Cwi
born March 15 1865 in Derecin near Słonim, died in 1942
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Dawidowicz Abraham Cwi (Abram Hersz) (March 15 1865 Derecin near Słonim – 1942) – choir director, composer.

In the years 1889-1891 he took private music lessons, afterwards he was taught by Mosze Rabinowicz, cantor, and Jakub Berman, conductor, as well as by Czerny, military bandmaster in Białystok

At the begginning of the 1890s, he was the conductor of the Jewish choir in Białystok, and then, for some time, the conductor of cantor Noah Zaludkowski's choir in Kalisz. 

Between 1894 and 1896 he directed the choir in Odessa, where he completed his musical education with cantor Dawid Nowakowski. He moved to Warsaw in 1902, and for a few decades worked as a choir conductor in the Nożyk Synagogue. He also taught singing and conducted the choir in the National Seminary for Teachers of Mosaic faith (Państwowe Seminarium dla Nauczycieli Religii Mojżeszowej) and Seminarium Ochroniarskie, Association of Jewish Secondary Schools in Warsaw, (Towarzystwo Żydowskich Szkół Średnich w Warszawie) and later in the Warsaw Music Institute. 

He conducted the choir of students from the Jewish Education and Culture Association "Tarbut". He composed liturgical works and music to poems written by Hebrew poets, as well as songs for children and young people. During World War II, he was imprisoned in the Warsaw Ghetto. He died in unknown circumstances.

2018-03-22 21:22:36
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl