Maksymilian Centnerszwer (Centerszwer) (24.02.1889 Warsaw – 1943 Białystok) - son of Izydor and Salomea Rozalia née Muszkat.
Polish musician, composer, music teacher, music critic and a reviewer of Jewish origin.
In 1910 he entered the Institute of Music in Warsaw. Since 1912, he studied in Music Conservatory in Lipsk. He completed his music studies in Paris. In 1914 he started teaching singing in schools in Warsaw: among others, in a male school Spójnia and a female gymnasium of Helena Halpernowa, Fanna Poznerowa, Perla Zaksowa. He was a famouse reviewer of Warsaw's music scene and collaborated with magazines like "Nasz Kurier", "Ilustrierte Woche" and a Jewish newspaper published in Polish language: "Nasz przegląd". He was the author of a vocal textbook for schools. He composed, among others, a musical poem for tenor voice and a chamber orchestra, Tristan and Pięć pieśni (Five songs) for baritone accompanied by 9 instruments.
He was married to a famous painter, Stanisława Centerszwer.
Activist and founder of many Jewish musical associations. At the invitation ofPresident Ignacy Mościcki, in 1931 he became a member of the social committee established to celebrate the founding anniversary of the Warsaw Philharmonic.
After the outbreak of World War II, together with his wife Stanisława and their daughter, Elżbieta, he came to Białystok. The family died in the Białystok ghetto.
Stanisława Centnerszwerowa, Mężczyzna z papierosem, pł. ol., 91 x 73, 1941 r. (A man with a cigarette)
property of Jewish Historical Institute
[tł: mj]