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Bielsk Podlaski - zostań koordynatorem tej miejscowości - jewishbialystok@gmail.com

Bielsk Podlaski - Rodzina London
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
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1.     London – był właścicielem nieruchomości (spalony dom?) przy ul. Mickiewicza Nr 70 (Arch. Pań. w B-stoku, Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny)

2.     London Ajzik [Landon?], lat 17, zam. w Bielsku, (syn właściciela kamienicy przy ul. Mickiewicza [tzw. Ratuszowej] - pierwszej od południa) – na początku lipca 1941r. Niemcy aresztowali 30 osób (wymieniony był w tej grupie) stanowiących elitę  społeczności żydowskiej w Bielsku, zostali oni zabici prawdopodobnie w Lesie Pilickim (zeznanie Simche Teppermana i Leizera Dawidowicza z dn. 24.10.1946r. Nr 811/I; M. Peker „W bielskim getcie i w obozach” str. 281 i przyp. 7; inf. od Pana J. Parfjanowicza; IPN Bi sygn. S 5/73, 1/957; 1/86 s. 1)

3.     London Bienjamin, uczeń Gimnazjum, zam. w Bielsku ul. Kościelna Nr 2 –  uwięziony w getcie w Bielsku, zginął („Memuary” praca zbiorowa wych. Gimnazjum i Liceum z 1988r.,  str. 86, wyd. I LO; W. Falkowski „Żydzi w Gimnazjum bielskim, ” [w:] Bielski Gościniec, Nr 1/2011, s. 79; „Zjazd bielszczan” maszynopis z 1960r. str. 27)

4.     London Abram - wywieziony z bielskiego getta do Trblinki (IPN Bi sygn. 1/87 s. 2142)------ Abraham London was born in Bielsk. He was married to Sonia nee Sokolsky. Prior to WWII he lived in Bielsk, Poland. During the war he was in Bielsk, Poland. Abraham perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his sister-in-law (Yad Vashem)

5.     London Shlama - Prior to WWII he lived in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland. Shlama perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of victims from Yizkor books found in the BIELSK - PODLIASK (HEB,YID, ENG), TEL AVIV, 1975 page 543 (Yad Vashem)

1. London - was the owner of the property (a burnt house?) At ul. Mickiewicza No. 70 (Arch. Of the Lord in B-stok, District Liquidation Office)

2. London Ajzik [Landon?], Age 17, resident in Bielsko, (son of the owner of the tenement house at ul. Mickiewicza [so-called Ratuszowa] - the first from the south) - at the beginning of July 1941. The Germans arrested 30 people (he was mentioned in this group) who were the elite of the Jewish community in Bielsko, they were probably killed in the Pilicki Forest (testimony of Simche Tepperman and Leizer Dawidowicz from 24.10.1946 No. 811 / I; M. Peker "In Bielsko ghetto and in the camps "p. 281 and note 7; information from Mr J. Parfjanowicz; IPN Bi reference number S 5/73, 1/957; 1/86 p. 1)

3. London Bienjamin, junior high school student, resident in Bielsko ul. Kościelna No. 2 - imprisoned in the Bielsko ghetto, died ("Memuary" collective work of a junior high school and high school student from 1988, p. 86, published by I LO; W. Falkowski "Jews in the Bielsko junior high school," [in:] Bielski Gościniec, No. 1/2011, p. 79; "Congress of Bielsko-Biała" typescript from 1960 p. 27)

4. London Abram - taken from the Bielsko ghetto to Trblinka (IPN Bi reference number 1/87 p. 2142) ------ Abraham London was born in Bielsk. He was married to Sonia nee Sokolsky. Prior to WWII he lived in Bielsk, Poland. During the war he was in Bielsk, Poland. Abraham perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his sister-in-law (Yad Vashem)

5. London Shlama - Prior to WWII he lived in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland. Shlama perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of victims from Yizkor books found in the BIELSK - PODLIASK (HEB, YID, ENG), TEL AVIV, 1975 page 543 (Yad Vashem)

podał Andrzej Weres

2019-10-04 11:17:22 history