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Molli Chwat

Born in Bialystok, a graduate of Petersburg Academy in 1906, on his teacher Ilija Reipina's advice he left to Paris to continue his studies and there he stayed for good. The period of 1910-1918 or 1925 he spent in Russia then he lived in Paris and continued his studies at Ecole des Beaux Arts. In Casablanca he spent the war years and came back to Paris again.  

He displayed his works in places like d'Automne Salon d`Automne (1952-68), Salon des Beaux Arts (1956). His individual exhibitions were shown in Paris (Galerie Zak 1951-52, Galerie Montmorency 1958), Brussels 1953, Nancy (1954), and Sarrebrück (1955). He painted mainly expressionist landscapes and portraits and after 1945 he depicted biblical scenes as well. 

The outstanding landscapist, representative of École de Paris, he presented his works in many European cities, though in his home city he ramains to be unknown. 

2017-02-23 20:16:55
pomysł i realizacja © Tomasz Wiśniewski (bagnowka)
oprogramowanie serwisu choruzy.pl