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Tykocki Tikotski Kacyn
Shulman, Szulman,
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
udostępnij na FB

Credit Robert Soriano

We are interested in Tykotski (Tykocki) and Kacyn family names. My grandmother (Michelle's great grandmother) was Deborah Tykotski and grandfather was Abraham Kacyn ( name in Poland may have originally been Katzen or Katzenellenbogen). This article talks about the burning of the synagogue and a massacre that occurred "against the wall of Midówka building on 9 Legionowa Street" which I assume is next to Legionowa 7 (Tykotski family home).
Here is the list of the photos attached with some further explanations (also names have been added to photos)
1-Tykotski family 1905:
Not shown is oldest daughter Alte (Alta) who had already left Poland for United States. Also I believe there was another sister named Chaiche who is not shown.

2-Shaindel Tykocki gravestone
3-Zeide Abraham on boat. Two of the other men are from the Jarovslovski and Schulmann families
4-Chatzkiel and Rose ~1935 (Rose is Alte's daughter)
5-Chatzkiel and Tzyryl's sons (These three were killed together in the Synagogue by the Nazis on June 27, 1941. 
6-Mario y Bobe y Tzyryl's son. (Mario is name Meyer was given when they got to Argentina)
7-postcard bialystock front
8-postcard bialstock back (Shows Tykotski family home address)
9-Bella, Mollie, Ben
10-Devorah and others (not sure if this was at the Gymnasium?)
11-Meyer Kacyn in Poland ~1928
12-Abraham, Devorah and Meyer
13-Abraham Kacyn and unkown friend or brother
14-Devorah and other schoolgirls
15-Abraham and Devorah Kacyn gravesites

In a separate email I will send you photos of other friends and/or family members from Bialystok that are not identified. Any help identifying those people would be greatly appreciated.
Robert Soriano
2019-06-12 06:12:45
Przesuń suwak
father of Liba Grochowski
2017-03-13 08:16:55