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Towarzystwo Opieki nad Sierotami Żydowskimi
Beth Jesoim
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
udostępnij na FB


Bialystoker society for the care of orphans / urban department

Kupiecka 49

founded in 1922

1. „Zoyg-Khayem“, Jurowiecka 7, Institution for infants, 20 children

2. “Beys-Yesoymem”, Ts...7, school children, 40 children

3. “Ezras-Yesoymes”, Jurowiecka 7  children in working age, 56 children

4.”Halb-Internat”, Kupiecka 49, for children in school and working age, 50 children

5. “Staler-Varshtat (Workshop)”, Jurowiecka 7, founded in 1926

Children are our future!

Take care of lonely children's future!  

Bialystoker gezelshaft far yesoymem (orphans)-farzorgung/ shtotishe opteylung

Kupyetska 49

gegrindet in yor 1922

1. „Zoyg-Khayem“, Yurovtser 7 onshtolt far zoyg- kinder , 20 kinder

2. „Beys-Yesoymem“, Częstochjowska 7, shul-kinder, 40 kinder

3. „Ezras-Yesoymes“, Yurovtser 7, kinder in fakh-elter, 56 kinder

4. „Halb-Internat“, Kupyetska 49, far kinder in shul un fakh-elter, 50 kinder

5. „Staler-Varshtat“, Yurovtser 7, gegrindet in yor 1926

Dos kind iz unzer tsukunft

zorg far der tsukunft fun elntn kind!

translated by Beate Schutzman Krebs

2019-06-26 17:18:41
Przesuń suwak
2018-03-06 06:23:42
2019-12-09 07:04:59