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Szneur Mosze
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Szneur (Sznejer) Mojżesz Maurycy Mosze (born 8.04.1878 [1885] Kherson, died 1942 Andijan in w Uzbekistan) – conductor, aranżer, composer.

He started studying music in Music School of The Imperial Russian Music Society in Odessa (Szkoła Muzyczna Cesarskiego Rosyjskiego Towarzystwa Muzycznego), and continued his education under the direction of Gustaw Rogulski and Zygmunt Noskowski in Music Institute in Warsaw. In 1902 he received a diploma of a military bandmaster. For a time he was a military bandmaster. He was the founder and, in the years 1912-1938 the artistic director and conductor of the Jewish Folk Choir in Warsaw. The choir mainly performed Jewish folk music, as well as the world cantata and oratorio repetoire, giving several concerts in the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall. He also led other Jewish choirs, among other "Muza", B.Grosser Club's choir, and the choir of "Hazomir", the Jewish Musical and Literary Society, as well as taught music in Jewish secondary schools: the Male Gymnasium of "Askola" Society, Kalecka Gymnasium and Teachers' Union Female Gymnasium. 

He performed in Minsk and Moscow. He composed music to Jewish poets' works, and arranged folk music for mixed choir. 

In the years 1939-41, he was a conductor of the Jewish choir he founded in Białystok, where he moved to after escaping the Nazis in Warsaw. 

He died in exile.

[tł: mj]

2018-03-25 13:28:29