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Nur- memorialisation of Wacław Budziszewski

On 22nd September in a place called Nur near to the Ostrowie Mazowieckie monument with board sacred to Wacław Budziszewski will be unveiled. The ceremony will take place as part of the "Called by Name" project. AS Karol Majdan from Pilecki Institute in the “Siódma 9 “ program said in the morning: Project "Called by Name" honors those who died for helping Jews. These stories are hidden somewhere in the acts. Cooperation with Germany is here really important because thanks to it we can receive stories, which were unknown to the local society or were known only in the memory of the family. We want to turn that family memory in the nationwide memory. Here is the present the story of Wacław Budziszewski, who died to save his family. “ He is an 18-year-old, who gave his life for his family and saved them during the occupation when they were hiding Jews. In the village Żebry Laskowiec, near to the place Nur,  the family which escaped from the ghetto was hiding there. They were parents with two adolescent boys and one daughter. They ran a shop in Nur, and they probably knew the Budziszewski family, who lived near to them. This family was hidden for about two weeks.  The parents, Henryk and Stanisława Budziszewscy, of course,  knew all about it. Just like the sons: Wacław and Stanisław. In the family, there was also three months old Konstanty.  One day, in the morning under the home, arrives German gendarmerie and surrounds the house. Is it a routine control or as the family suspects, some denunciation made them look for Jews right away. They found a hideout and led out two families in the yard and asked Henryk for how long they hide Jews. When he was silent, there was a commotion. Two Jewish teenagers tried to escape to the forest and they were shot by Germans. After that interpreter asked again, for how long they hide Jews. At this moment Wacław Budziszewski made a decision, which we can definitely call heroic. He took a step forward and said that he was the one who took Jews for a night and his parents didn’t know about anything. It was only one night and he was going to tell them about that in the morning. The Germans found the culprit then. He was tied up and rushed to Nura before the horse. There they interrogate him. Then he was interrogated in the Białystok. He didn’t tell them, that his parents helped Jews. In the eyes of the German law, that was a crime for which the punishment was death. That kind of blame was written in his acts. Wacław paid the biggest price, but he saved his parents and two brothers. 

2020-03-17 18:48:52