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Halpern Chaim Herz rabbi
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
udostępnij na FB
Rabbi Chaim Halpern came from a rabbinical family. His father, Gaon Reb Lipe, was a rabbi in Białystok in the first half of the 19th century (died in 1856). Another member of the family, Samuel Halpern, opened a cotton factory in 1860. His son, Mejer, opened a fairly large cloth weaving factory in 1883. It was located on the Fabryczna Street. At the end of the 19th century, the Halperns built a comfortable tenement house on 10 Aleksandrowska Street (Warszawska Street)
In 1922, the New York Jewish community founded the construction of the ohel on the cemeteray in Bagnówka. It stands there till this day. 
(tł: mj)

2016-12-14 17:52:21
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