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Haber Tobiasz
uzupełnij jewishbialystok@gmail.com
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Self-taught painter; son of a Jewish weaver. He studied at M. Trębacz's studio. He made his debut when he was 15. At the beginning of the 1920s, he went to study in Paris. There, he exhibited his works at Leopold Zborowski's studio. He returned to Łódź in 1936 (1937?). In Poland, he exhibited his paintings in Warsaw at the ŻTKSP (Żydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pięknych, jid. Jidiszer Gezelszaft cu Farszprajnt Kunst), at the Henryk Koterba Salon (collective exhibition, 1937), and in Łódź (1934, 1938, 1939). He died during the WW2 in Białystok ghetto.

Haber painter dark in tone, realistic and almost primitive landscapes of France, cityscapes, still lifes (Pejzaż z nad Sekwany, Kompozycja z autoportretem, Place du Maine, Dachy Paryża). He also created light, clear watercolours (Portret żony, W przytułku, Wnętze bożnicy). He had an extremely talented, mentally ill brother Aaron (1913 Konstantynów - 1939 Łódź), who passed away at a very young age (tuberculosis). Aaron, like his brother, also studied and exhibited his works in Paris, arousing great interest because of them.

(tł: mj)

2016-12-20 21:23:50